Tuesday, December 15, 2009

18th Annual Skating Party

We had our 18th annual skating party on the Thursday before Thanksgiving and had a fabulous turnout.  Thank you all who attended and added to the enthusiasm of the event!  Dr. Blase DID win the adult race (for the 17th time), but as you can see in the photo, it was a battle coming out of the final turn -- and he was VERY sore the next two days, and suspects that his winning ways are coming to an end!  Kind of like the Steelers this year!  :-(

As usual we had 32 door prize winners in the 3 hours of skating and cake-eating ... and only our second broken arm in all this time!  Oops!  I just saw her yesterday and she's already out of her cast. We look forward to next year's event, so save the date -- Nov. 18th, 2010!